Life Management Top Tips

How I Do the Least

My friends generally fall into two camps - the busiest people imaginable, or people with basically nothing to do.  I am in the nothing to do camp, and here's how:

**Disclaimer: Probably important to mention that the main reason I don't have to do very much is because make a very good salary, am very responsible with that money, and I generally do not have to worry about paying for things or hiring people to help me. I understand this is not everyone's situation.**


People are always saying how hard it is to make friends after college.  It's hard for them because they haven't tried to make a friend in forever.  Your life will change dramatically every few years, and so will the lives of your friends.  They will ebb and flow in terms of time, availability, and personality. They will move away, they will have kids, etc.  You cannot expect the person you have hung out with every week for years to always be able to hang out every week forever.

The key is to REPLENISH.

I make a new friend when a friend tells me they:

You will absolutely still be friends with these people.  You will still get brunch and text and take trips.  Just not as often.  These are great life milestones for them and great for you too because now you can: visit them in their new city, become friends with their partner and partners friends, and hang out with cute little babies who grow up into mean tweens you can gossip with.  But you can't expect to see these friends as often as you did before.  I like to hang out with friends 3-5 times a week, so the answer is: Replenish!

I meet new friends at activities such as:

Not all of your new friendships will go the distance and that's ok.  The act of making new friends means that it will never again feel awkward to make new friends. And that's the whole point. 

Gratitude Journal

When I added a gratitude journaling app to my daily checklist several years ago it seemed very dumb.  However, it has made one of the biggest differences in my day-to-day life.  Once you start writing down 3 things you are grateful for every day, you automatically start to notice great things happening to you and around you.  The cashier at Torchy's gives you a free drink, gratitude.  Its cloudy and breezy out, which is my favorite weather, gratitude.  I laughed super hard today, gratitude.  I came home to an ice cold house after being outside in the heat, gratitude.  My whole house smells like Fabuloso after my cleaning lady was here, gratitude.  

I use the Presently app. 

Daily Checklist

I have a list of things I try to do every day:

Maintenance Spreadsheet

I keep a spreadsheet that contains my entire life.  It's about 20 tabs and the foundation of my organizational system.  

Why You Need 2 Phones

I find it very hard to turn off my phone at night.   That's why I have a Daytime Phone and a Nighttime Phone. 

Daytime Phone: Your regular phone, self explanatory.

Nighttime Phone: This phone is wifi-only, so no one can call or text you.  The only apps on this phone are the ones you are allowed to use at night  For me those are: 

No TikTok, no Instagram, no internet browsers, no distractions.